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Future Research Needs of a Developing Sri Lanka

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Future Research Needs of a Developing Sri Lanka

Organized by: Pioneer Institute of Business and Technology International (PIBT) and Technology International Research Symposium (TIRS) in collaboration with the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, (CMS) University of Greenwich.

Venue Date: 25th November (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

Deadline for Abstracts: 10th November 2012

Acceptance: 20th November 2012


Future Research Needs of Developing Sri Lanka, post war era, is a challenging and long process. The aim of this symposium is to provide a platform for opening discussions and bringing under one roof practitioners, researchers and providers, specifically in the field of Information Technology and Social Sciences to interact with leaders from academia, industry, various funding agencies to share and brainstorm ideas for the next decade on beyond.

There will be a number of invited speakers from industry and academia as well as other participants who will have the opportunity to present their work/ideas either via oral communication, flash presentation or poster.

A number of workshops together with additional opportunities for round-table discussions is planned to inform the audience about opportunities available in the field and to gain important perspective for the future.

This symposium serves as a forum for the presentation of acquisition research and the exchange of ideas among scholars and practitioners of their respective subjects and fields. We seek a diverse audience of influential attendees from academe, government, and industry who are well placed to shape and promote future research needs of Sri Lanka.

The Symposium Program Committee is actively soliciting proposals for papers and/or participating in on the panels from academicians, practitioners, students and others with interests in the study relating to Information Technology and Social Sciences.

Call for Papers

The Organizing Committee invites the submission of abstracts of papers for presentation at symposium. We are seeking both presented and poster papers. Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words in length and need to be submitted by the 10thNovember 2012. Presenters will receive notification by email of the status of their paper by the 20th November 2012.

Symposia topics include but are not limited to:

  • Computational Thinking
  • Development of Future Faculty
  • Digital Fabrication
  • Digital Storytelling/Video
  • Distance/Flexible Education
  • Equity and Social Justice
  • Games & Simulations
  • Graduate Education & Faculty Development
  • Information Technology Diffusion / Integration
  • International Education
  • Mobile Learning
  • New Possibilities with Information Technologies
  • Research & Evaluation
  • Technology Leadership
  • Virtual Schooling
  • Workforce Education
  • Social Sciences

Abstracts will be assigned to the most appropriate session based on the subject matter of the presentation. For further queries with regard to abstract submission, please contact the Program Committee (EMAIL ADDRESS).

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